–Charlie McLachlan
“I am here because the Red Cross was there.”

International Committee of the Red Cross
The International Committee of the Red Cross is a non-political organisation formed in 1863 which works worldwide to provide humanitarian help for people affected by conflict and armed violence and to promote the laws that protect victims of war. Mary McLachlan was an active member for 78 years and Charlie McLachlan owes his life to the support that the Red Cross gave during his time as a prisoner of war.

The Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion is an organisation of over 300,000 members who help serving members of the Armed Forces, ex-Service men and women (veterans), their families and dependants all year-round. They provide practical care, advice and support as well as safeguarding the memory of those who have given their lives in war. Their dedication helped many former prisoners of war rehabilitate.

Returned & Services League
The RSL was formed in 1916 by troops returning from the First World War with the aim of continuing the camaraderie, concern and mateship shown amongst the Australian Diggers. With over 240,000 members they continue to support ex-servicemen and their families and safeguard the memory of fallen comrades. The RSL organisation was the hub of Sparrow Force's support network.