Maj. Adanto D'Amore & Louis Zamperini

Frank Tinker, Louis Zamperini, Pete Zamperini, Adanto D'Amore & Leroy Schneider in the Persian Room, Hotel Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco, 4 September 1945.
Since I posted the interview with Maj. Adanto D'Amore on this website, his son - Adanto Robert "Bob" D'Amore - contacted me and sent me this photograph of his father with Louis Zamperini at the Drake in San Francisco.
Adanto was lucky to be repatriated so quickly after the war's end. Many liberated British POWs arrived home in December.
Schneider was a Marine captured on Wake Island and spent time with Zamperini at Noetsu POW Camp. Tinker was a dive-bomber pilot and opera singer who had been brought from Kwajalein with Zamperini and Harris to Ofuna Interrogation Centre.