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“To live, a man needs food, water, and a sharp mind.” 

Louis Zamperini


Lt. Louis Zapmerini was an Olympic long distance runner and is the central character in Laura Hillenbrad's book Unbroken, which is to be made into a motion picture by Angelina Jolie.


Here are the official records of the disappearnce of Lt. Louis Zamperini and of the Class B & C Yokohama War Crimes Tribunal trials of people Zamperini complained against. Although Zamperini only provided an affidavit and did not give evidence in the trials - which would allow him to be cross-examined - his affidavit was accepted as evidence.  


Please click on the bottom right hand corner to enlarge the file to cover the full screen. All files can also be found at the Author's Scribd Homepage.


If you'd like copies, please do not hestitate to contact the Author here.

NARA: US War Department record of the disappearance of the B-24 'Green Hornet', 27 May 1943. (MACR 41-24212)

NARA: War Department intercepted intelligence mentioning Zamperini in POW list, 28 March 1944. 

POW List

NARA: Trial excerpts of USA v. Kobayashi (Kwajalein Guard), Zamperini evidence, 13 March 1948.

Ofuna guards

NARA: SCAP HQ - Yokohama War Crimes Tribunal - USA v. Nakakichi Osoma, Masamori Nishi, Chikayoshi Sugeta, Toshihiro Obara, James K. Sasaki, Bunichi Mori, and Sashizo Yokura (Ofuna Interrogation Centre Guards) -review of the convictions.

Murata (Ofuna)

NARA: SCAP HQ - Yokohama War Crimes Tribunal - USA v. Masayoshi Murata (Ofuna Interrogation Centre Guard).

Ishikawa (Omori)

NARA: SCAP HQ - Yokohama War Crimes Tribunal - USA v. Tsuneo Ishikawa (Omori Guard) - Review of conviction.

Sakaba & Suzuki

NARA: SCAP HQ - Yokohama War Crimes Tribunal - USA v. Kaname Sakaba & Kunji Suzuki (Tokyo Area Camp Commanders). This is the review of their convictions.

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